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Missing Threads (Forums)

Missing Threads (Forums)
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Hey Chops,

Love the changes to the system... looks great.

Purpose of my visit here is this... I have noticed several post in my Officers channel gone missing. I am not sure what happened to them, but it is suspected that an officer may have deleted them. I am not sure if you can recover them or not. Some of the content is important for our records. Not sure of the time frame they went missing. I am guessing around a month ago or less. The threads that I am concerned about are the Officers threads.

Thanks for your help

For which site? With that range of dates, it might not be easy to recover the posts. I'll see what I can uncover.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
For which site? With that range of dates, it might not be easy to recover the posts. I'll see what I can uncover.

Oh sorry, for Penumbra.
Thanks again for your help =)

Thanks for looking into the missing threads. I found out what happened to them.

Thanks again =)


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