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error In dkpsigs.com ?

error In dkpsigs.com ?
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Hey Chops

Is there an error with the DKPsigs.com because my sig that im using does not show my profile like the character does not exists. But when I click on the sigs it goes directly to Armory and it shows the character.

Quote by cupacabra
Hey Chops

Is there an error with the DKPsigs.com because my sig that im using does not show my profile like the character does not exists. But when I click on the sigs it goes directly to Armory and it shows the character.

Blizzard just performed an update to the armor changing it's URL from armory.worldofwarcraft.com to www.wowarmory.com. They also claim to have increased performance, functionality, etc...

I suspect it is the URL change and potential so functionality change that has broken DKPSIGS, the DKPSYSTEM Armory importer, and a few other 3rd party armory dependant systems.

I am sure Chops is already hard at work adapting things.
Hotfix is right. When Blizzard changed URLs it toasted the importers. That said, I fixed the importer yesterday, and started rerunning the full-import script, however, I suspect I lost my connection halfway through such that it did not get to your sig.

I already refreshed your Chupicabra character sig, but if you want to refresh your Fordcane, just head to it, and re-save the toon sig. That forces it to get regenerated.

The stuff works now, but because every single sig (US and EU) got converted to "Character Not Found", there are still a few hiccups.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
Hotfix is right. When Blizzard changed URLs it toasted the importers. That said, I fixed the importer yesterday, and started rerunning the full-import script, however, I suspect I lost my connection halfway through such that it did not get to your sig.

I already refreshed your Chupicabra character sig, but if you want to refresh your Fordcane, just head to it, and re-save the toon sig. That forces it to get regenerated.

The stuff works now, but because every single sig (US and EU) got converted to "Character Not Found", there are still a few hiccups.

Kool thanks


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