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Hey Chops,
I have used this site for nearly a year. The one aspect I simply adore about your program is how it adapts to the WoW enviornment. You have done a fantastic job incorporating all that WoW has to offer.
Now that I am done sucking up I have one idea/request/suggestion.
The guild sign ups for raids/run aka the calander.
I have found it useful to identify players signing up for raids. Some toons change spec's, others have just joined & I don't know what path they have chosen.
During the sign-up's could we have an option to designate,
Three seperate colums instead of many class colums.
A side note could list: "X" many Warriors, "X" many Mage
At the moment I have requested players make a note detailing either Healer, DPS, or Tank.
I know I can get to know my players but if I did that, what would you do?
Keep up the great work!