Interesting. I went and corrected those numbers and I think that will fix it, but why wouldn't the general point assignment for the boss not override the per rank numbers? We actually vary points each week based on different factors so we don't use the per rank assignment defaults and instead enter in the general override each time we upload.
The Per-rank stuff isn't a number, it's a ratio. So, if it's 0, members with that rank will received 0% of the assigned points for that boss. If it's 1, then that's 100%.
If you had it set to 0.25 for non-members, for example, and you had a boss where you awarded 40 points per attendee, and one of your attendees were new (no character on the site), then it will give that member 10 points, rather than the 40. (40 * 25% = 10)
Make sense? It's a ratio, not a straight point assignment.
Some guilds prefer to give less points to initiates or whatnot, while they are probationary, and then when they are promoted to full member, they receive full DKP.
It's all in the reflexes.