1. Is there a way to delete characters that show up on the Characters Edit screen.
Yep, clicking [Edit] and then the "Delete" button at the bottom. Or are you referring to something else?
The fact that they are duplicating is very interesting though. The characters get recreated even though they are in the database already? Or are you deleting them, and then they get re-created.
The thing about the import is that it is designed to import to a character, and if the characters aren't found, it has to create the characters first.
When are we going to be able to do a mass delete of characters
This actually CAN be done by going to
Admin > Character Merger. While this is designed for merging duplicated characters into eachother, this can also be used for simply deleting a ton of characters quickly. I'd create a bogus character, and then choose that bogus character as the base, then check the "Merge" box next to all the characters you wish to delete, and Click the "Merge" button at the bottom. Then you can just delete the "Bogus" character.
That would work, but it's admittedly not the most straightforward.
when we delete a character, is there anyway for a pop up box to appear and ask us "Do we want to Delete the Associated Account"
Yup, this is something that will get done.
It's all in the reflexes.