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Last post time to the n'th degree

Last post time to the n'th degree
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Last post time to the n'th degree
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Creator Malekii
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Status Closed
Type Support
Section of the Site Forum
Urgency (3 votes)
Rating (2 votes)
Hi Chops

Our forums are showing the time of last posts to 11 decimal places. For example "5.6677777776 days ago". I'm all for accuracy, but this is ridiculous XD lol.

Further to this, it's not every forum post it's doing it on it appears completely random.

Anyway that we can just set it to either say 5 day ago, or at worst 5.6 days ago? It's not urgent, it just looks silly.

Thanks a lot

Official DKPSystem.com Comments
No official comments yet

We have the same issue. It haven't been like this forever so surely its just a bug that needs fixing.
That's a very odd bug to just start now. It's fixed.

It's all in the reflexes.
lol, well I'm glad it helped more than just us.

Thanks Chops, swift action as usual.


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