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WotLK Item Initialization

WotLK Item Initialization
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I was wondering when we will be able to use the Initialize from a WoW Zone for the new WotLK raids(Naxx 10/25, Obsidian Sactum 10/25, Vault of Archavon 10/25, and Eye of Eternity 10/25).

Or would it be better/quicker for me to manually put them in from wowhead?

Thanks for the advice in advance
They'll be imported this week at the absolute latest.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
They'll be imported this week at the absolute latest.

Awesome, thanks man!
I'm not seeing these. Do I need to do something on my side or are they not yet ready?
My bad here. I had imported the items, but forgot to do the second step of deploying them. Everything's deployed now. Check it out.

It's all in the reflexes.
Thanks, Chops! It's working now.

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