It looks like your site's admin was relying on the icons provided by another guild (followers of nobility at, and that apparently the admin of Followers had removed some of the custom icons, which resulted in your icons being removed.
You can change the icons by heading to Admin > Games > Games, then clicking "Classes" and editing the classes which are missing the icons. You'll see where the icons are pointing, and specify different locations, or remove the reference to the icon altogether to remove the broken image.
I changed the site's name (from followers to fon) - that's why the links were broken. I did it because of my perfectionist character flaw... fon made more sense than followers. Well, that and I wanted to see who had listened and changed their bookmarks to and to see who complained the site wasn't loading, lol.
I had enough stuff to change on my own site once the name was switched over, didn't even think about other people linking to those images! Sorry