Ive been slowly working on the site and have a question about side menus in the glass layout.
Is there a way to make them just a tad wider and taller? Id like to make some of my own graphics for the menus but there just isn't enough room. It looks like there is a bit of space but code wise Im lost on this. I messed with the .css file to no avail and I believe its a html thing.
Also I would love to decrease the size of the "news" box but scared to mess with it lol.
Drop Down Menus are working as intended now
I think my question is confusing. What Ive done is make a larger top, middle, and bottom graphic for the menus but when I attach them to the code the menu stays the same size.
The last piece of the widescreen problem is The main news menu. the site was built for 1280 across and when I pop into a higher res it stretches the main news menu out to whatever res you go to.
Is there a way to lock the window to a fixed width so the site looks correct at higher rez? It would get rid of the large blank spaces on the sides of the pictures and make the menus fall into the positions they where intended to fit into.