I was just told that we're having the same problem, and we're in the middle of a guild merger. We have the new people app to get them set up on the website.
On pwnhammer, currently, the applications are currently set to viewable only by the super admin of the site, and no one else. This would explain why you're not seeing them when they're being submitted. I tested myself and the submitted app went through, and I could view it, but again, only with the rank 1 access.
On Siege, I didn't notice anything odd like I did for pwnhammer, but I also had no problems submitting. Are you having the "Security question" problem, or are apps coming through that you can't see.
If apps are coming through that you can't see (or that someone can't see), make sure that their account rank is at least as high as the rank for viewing on the application in Applications and Recruitment.
My test app was submitted to your Mage application.
On pwnhammer, currently, the applications are currently set to viewable only by the super admin of the site, and no one else. This would explain why you're not seeing them when they're being submitted. I tested myself and the submitted app went through, and I could view it, but again, only with the rank 1 access.
On Siege, I didn't notice anything odd like I did for pwnhammer, but I also had no problems submitting. Are you having the "Security question" problem, or are apps coming through that you can't see.
If apps are coming through that you can't see (or that someone can't see), make sure that their account rank is at least as high as the rank for viewing on the application in Applications and Recruitment.
My test app was submitted to your Mage application.
Yeah, it was just the "captcha"/security question box at the bottom that people were saying wasn't working. Seems to be working now. I appreciate the help, Chops!