So ... i've run into an issue combining bbcodes and html ... if I set things up as a guide, I can't get the tables to look the way I want ... basically because they won't span to 100% like you can set an html table to do ... and if I set them in as custom pages using html ... I can't put item links in? Or is there a way to put item links into html?
Ok, I
"think" you're talking about PHP code, not bbcodes. As for the item links, etc:
Anything that is generated by a PHP tag (ex. <!-- System:Title --
is dynamic so you can't directly change it. However, it IS generating HTML, so you can indirectly change it using the CSS sheet. The easiest way to find out what to do is to populate the page, and then VIEW SOURCE. The View Source will show you the PHP generated HTML, and when you find the right HTML tag, look at its class (ex. class=MenuChoice). On the CSS sheet you'll find a matching Class. It will look like this:
.MenuChoice {
Font-Family: arial;
Color: #FF0000;
You can add new CSS values, or change any values currently there. The value you would want is:
Width: 100%. Keep in mind, MenuChoice is just an example, and not necessarily the one you want.