Guest Non Raid Rank (exempt from level requirements) - As the name implies they may be retained on the roster but should not expect raid possitions.
Trial Rank: - New applicants should have a finite period (one week) to integrate themselves and be fully registered and make a good account of themselves.
Member Rank: - Having determined loyalty dedication and competence a rank that exempts the individual from level cuts. - Subject to conduct violation removal.
Veteran: - Exceptional play skill and long term service to the guild.
Class Senior: - 1 per class, distinguished service and ability with the class. - Responsible for sub recruitment and discipline and standards. - Responsible for removal of poor performers. - Exemplar for the class, clear leadership abilities.
Officer. (Roles) - Drama Control. - Quarter Master. - Gear run organization.
All officers should demonstrate balanced leadership abilities and should be gentlemen and women. A gentleman is even keeled, makes life easier for those arround them by reducing drama rather than being the source of it.