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WoWArmory.com Guild Bank Details -> DKP Importer/Integration

WoWArmory.com Guild Bank Details -> DKP Importer/Integration
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Please create an importer for the Guild Bank and Guild Bank Log information (longer log history, etc). I have attached screenshots of the new WoWArmory.com guild bank information screens.

Note: It currently requires a login to get the bank details. I'm not sure if they created an API like EVE has to get those details without providing an account password, but as webmaster and guild master I'll trust DKPSystem to not steal my infos.

Have you seen the GuildBank functionality on the new DKPProfiler?

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
Have you seen the GuildBank functionality on the new DKPProfiler?

Yes, but I can't have my toon online 24/7 to capture the deposit/withdrawal log and the ingame log caps at like 25 entries. The web log has a longer history.
Yes, but I can't have my toon online 24/7 to capture the deposit/withdrawal log and the ingame log caps at like 25 entries. The web log has a longer history.

Yeah, but an armory importer for the guild bank would probably run once per day, and I would assume that based on my experience with the armory, that it wouldn't necessarily be all that up to date (at least up to the minute). As opposed to the Profiler, which will update your site seconds after logging off.

That, and the fact that so far, it may not be possible without asking you to put your WoW account information on your website (which is something I simply CANNOT do).

It's all in the reflexes.
I see...

Unfortunately WoW did a fairly basic implementation of their bank which means that the only way to add any degree of granularity to the controls is via auditing of the usage logs. I could care less if I duplicate the bank contents onto the website. I need the logs.

Oh well.
I could care less if I duplicate the bank contents onto the website. I need the logs.

I see. My concern wasn't for duplication of the contents, so much as having outdated contents.

But a log tracker is interesting. I wonder how deep the log goes in the code? I'll have to look.

It's all in the reflexes.
Is there any work being done or being considered on this topic? I am told that the WoW Armory has an XML dump of all Guild Bank transactions. If DKPSystem supported some way to import this or (dare I dream) allow me to manage reward points against deposits/withdraws I would be a lifelong customer.
I'll have to look into the possibility of providing an XML dump, however, I would seriously never, EVER, add the ability to enter your WoW Account information to get it directly. That's asking for serious trouble.

It's all in the reflexes.

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