First question. I assumed since the standard default layout file only contained the standard menu definitions (<!-- System:Menu:Menu --
and such that I would have to define each dynamic menu and guide specifically to get them to show up where I want (right/left/middle and order from top to bottom). Am I write or am I wrong?
Second question. What is the menu name for the box that show the currently logged on users?
Third question. This is where my issue is. I have a guide category named "Zul'Gurub". When ever I try to enter this <!-- System:Menu:Zul'Gurub --> I get a parsing error trying to show the test page. I am assuming it is the ' that is causing the problem as when I remove menu it seems to work fine. Obviously I could get past this by removing that character but I'ld like to figure out how to make it work with it.
Warlock - Lord Templar