I have used this site for nearly a year. The one aspect I simply adore about your program is how it adapts to the WoW enviornment. You have done a fantastic job incorporating all that WoW has to offer.
Now that I am done sucking up I have one idea/request/suggestion.
The guild sign ups for raids/run aka the calander.
I have found it useful to identify players signing up for raids. Some toons change spec's, others have just joined & I don't know what path they have chosen.
During the sign-up's could we have an option to designate,
*Healer *DPS *Tank
Three seperate colums instead of many class colums.
A side note could list: "X" many Warriors, "X" many Mage
At the moment I have requested players make a note detailing either Healer, DPS, or Tank.
I know I can get to know my players but if I did that, what would you do?
Thank you. I'm glad the site is working out for you guys.
Check out the "Raid Roles" section of the admin menu, and then when you create a new event, at the bottom, change the box that says "By Class" to "By Role" and you'll see your wonderful new Raid Roles set up.