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unable to see raid progression menu

unable to see raid progression menu
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I'm trying to help a friend of mine with his dkpsystem website and I've run across something I can't figure out.

In menu administration, there's menu items for their dkpsystem, but it will simply not show up on any menu.. Can you please help? on wulfpack.dkpsystem.com I'm trying to get it so that the menu "GoW Alliance" item for dkpsystem "GoW Alliance" shows up as clickable links on the screen.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but it looks to me like you got it going. I see "25 Man Alliance" DKP menu on the right on the very bottom.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
Perhaps I'm missing something, but it looks to me like you got it going. I see "25 Man Alliance" DKP menu on the right on the very bottom.

Nono, it's not my site- it's my new guild's...not wulfdkp.dkpsystem.com but wulfpack.dkpsystem.com (I'm using elsendolf account)

please help, i fiddled with it for 2.5 hours last night and im not a newb

I disabled advanced layout , added/removed tons of thigns, just can't get it to show.
Quote by Chops
Perhaps I'm missing something, but it looks to me like you got it going. I see "25 Man Alliance" DKP menu on the right on the very bottom.

you fixed it ...at least I think you did - thanks!!

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