Though, knowing what to expect in the near future is probably a good idea. I could perhaps list only the "top priority" changes.
How about this. A list of "Top Priority" changes. Things that your pretty certain your going to do and have already thought through the details.
Then a "Hot Suggestions" list. This could be something that your really not sure about but seems to be a really good idea. You could say put this up with a link the original thread for that Suggestion. This would allow people to go read the stuff and chime in on their feelings. I am sure lots of us have ideas everyday and some feel their's are way more important than others. You have to way all this out and decide your priority list. This might give you more visibility into what the people want that you think is possible to do or implement. This way you get a feeling for how many other guilds would like a given proposed feature.
Warlock - Lord Templar