You'll want to check out Admin > Guild Banks, and make sure they're coming in.
Have you considered putting in a debug command for GRSS and DKPProfiler.
Something like:
/grss debug (returns version information and configuration settings like if snapshots are on or off)
/grss debug dkpsum (list the people in the raid and the total dkp points each has as a general confirmation that the dkp file downloaded from the site is working)
/grss debug snap (list the names and time stamps of the snap shots stored for writing)
/grss debug snap <name> (list the snap shot matching the given name and provide more details like member names in the snapshot)
/grss debug loot (provide a list of loot recieved, who it was given to, and points spent)
/dkpp debug (return version information and configuration settings if any. May also return names of core field caputured like talents, professions, bag...)
/dkpp debug <element> (take an arguement like talent and print out what has been captured for it.)
This might be a simple way for some people to look and see that the mod is capturing data. Of course you could or should print a disclaimer that nothing is saved to the savedvariables file until the user logs out or reloads the UI. It might also be helpful to have debug read from the saved variables file on start up or reload of ui so that you can provide comparison output of what is in the saved variables opposed to memory.