I have to agree with chops. PM is in itself a classification of the message. If you default the tag now you don't have a way to categorize your PM to all officers as an officer only message.
Warlock - Lord Templar
I only want a default. I never said I didnt want users to be able to change it...
Correct. And adding features like these, as long as they aren't an impedement on the users, is usually a good thing. At this point, I'm considering adding three new features as a result of these conversations:
1) Default Overall Thread Tag (changable by the poster, naturally)
2) Default Private Thread Tag (also changable by the poster)
3) Filters to display "Only Private Threads, or No Private Threads"
MAybe one or all will end up convoluting things and the features might get toasted after development, but generally speaking, limiting users' functionality is a bad thing, and if making a default Private Thread tag will advance in the functionality of the site, then I have to build it.
We'll see what happens, I guess.
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.