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GRSS Problems and Suggestions

GRSS Problems and Suggestions
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I've recently taken over the use of GRSS for our guild for recording dkp and found a few things I found annoying about it's use that I would like to have fixed in your version of GRSS so I don't have to continue to patch in my own changes to these issues.

Epic gems and void crystals trigger the dkp recording popup. Though I imagine some guilds may have epic gems on dkp, we do not. I added a separate table for gems and voids and a variable on whether or not to use this table and then compare the item to this table just like the IgnoreItems table.

The loot system always defaults to the last system that is imported by the GetGRSSDKP executable. This is because you redefine GRSSCurrentSystem with each dkp system that you're importing. Please remove that from your import. That way we can hard code that value at the top of the snapshot lua and/or let become a savedvariable.

The dkp action(standings, roll, bids) always defaults to standings. I've been looking into this one and can't quite figure out why this is. I can get the default text for that field to change to bids, though the rest of the window still reflects that it's in standings. I'm guessing it has something to do with how the window gets initialized and the currentaction isnt properly set at that point somehow.


Bakka of UL
I appreciate the feedback here. I'm sure we can make all of these a possibility. I'm assuming your beef with those issues is largely from doing /console reloadui fairly regularly, am I correct?

The GRSS is slated for a big update after the forum rewrite is complete.

It's all in the reflexes.

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