We had a similar issue arise in my guild a couple months back.
We use raid attendence to decide tie-breakers on those bidding on items. A newer member had attended nearly every raid since he joined the guild, so his attendence was at nearly 100%. A member that had been in the guild for years had excellent raid attendence too, but not as good as the new member's, or so it seemed. The older member attended 100% of the raids that the new member had since they joined the guild, but they had missed some several months back, so their % was not as good as the newer member. By mistake, the newer member got the item over the old member and chaos ensued.
There needs to be an option for all raid attendence % since DKP started to be tracked for that time period. 30, 60, 90, BC ;p
Honestly, calculating DKP from the user's first raid is one of the very reasons we switched hosting to DKPSystem. We can see how much effort people have made since they joined, which is important since all new recruits are put on a 2 week trial in our guild.
If something like this is changed PLEASE leave it as an option that we can set (as Jedis suggested), as the method currently employed by the host is super helpful in my situation. I agree that other guilds may not use the data in the same way and require it being tracked differently, but there are a lot of us that use the current system because it suits us better.
It would be nice if there was a monthly or quarterly option as our attendance requirements are based on 3 month time frame as are our guild funds split to our members. As it stands, I have to run a raid analysis for the 3 month time frame, copy and paste the info into a spreadsheet, delete out all the stuff I need aside from the name and their 3 month raid % to determine how much plat they will receive as well as if they have maintained their required attendance.
Alrighty, I'm glad you guys kept pushing this issue.
There are now three new variables to use in the Custom DKP Columns section (Admin > DKP > Custom DKP Columns).
You'll see "totalraids", "totalevents", and "totaldays".
totalraids = ALL raid snapashots for the selected time range (Full = All Time, 30 days = Last 30 days etc), regardless of the "first raid" of the character.
totaldays = All raid days for the same
totalevents = All raid calendar events for the same
To add an "Absolute Raid Percent" field, simply add the following:
Also, custom DKP Age Sets have been added, so you can now customize the Tabs at the top of the current standings. Check out Admin > DKP > Custom Age Sets.
Also I've never used a custom column before, is it possible to move it up in the list so it's not the last column in the current standings? I'm not seeing the one I added on admindkpstandings.php
Thanks. I added a column for us using 100*(raids/totalraids)
Anyway you can put in a way to color code the DKP columns?
Also, an option to show the % sign after percents would be great. I added a 'Cumm Raid %' column which shows the numbers as XX.XX - a way to have it show XX.XX% would make it easier to distinguish that it's a percent and not how much DKP they have.