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Administrative file uploader not working

Administrative file uploader not working
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Administrative file uploader not working
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Creator superg2k
Public or Private Public
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Status Open
Type Bug
Section of the Site Advanced Layout Options and CSS
Urgency (2 votes)
Rating (0 votes)
I am currently unable to upload files via the administrative file uploader or delete any of the files currently in there!

Official DKPSystem.com Comments
No official comments yet
Sorry about that. It should be working now.

It's all in the reflexes.
Having the same issue
Quote by Gankutsuou
Having the same issue

What's your site's address so I can verify?

It's all in the reflexes.
What's your site's address so I can verify?

Quote by Gankutsuou
What's your site's address so I can verify?


I'm having no troubles uploading or removing files from your Admin file uploader. Are you upoading a file, and it's just failing, or what exactly is happening that's preventing you from uploading?

It's all in the reflexes.

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