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2 dns addresses

2 dns addresses
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I've recently registered another domain name and was trying to set the dns name servers but they are requiring 2 dns from here.
Would like some help with this!


WE don't actually provide DNS servers. Instead we ask that you use your registrar's standard DNS servers. From there, you just want to configure the "A Records" to point to

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
WE don't actually provide DNS servers. Instead we ask that you use your registrar's standard DNS servers. From there, you just want to configure the "A Records" to point to

ok thanks..i kinda trolled until i found that info, unfortunately, i am a newb and can't figure out godaddy's A record

Head to your domain management section on Godaddy. Then click "Total DNS Control and MX Records"

Then, the first section will be labeled "A (Host) Records"

Simply change the IP address currently in the "@" record to

It's all in the reflexes.
If this is executed, would the standard "myguild@dkpsystem.com" still work when people use it.

ie, if I set up a sub domain with a www.myguild.com address, would Ascendant.DKPSystem.Com still bring people to our site, in addition to the redirected subdomain?


Warlord of Ascendant

ie, if I set up a sub domain with a www.myguild.com address, would Ascendant.DKPSystem.Com still bring people to our site, in addition to the redirected subdomain?


Quick Example:

The following are the same site:


It's all in the reflexes.

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