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Loot Item Popups

Loot Item Popups
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I'm noticing a lot of loot doesn't have item descriptions/popups. Instead, it just reads "No item found in eq2.allakhazam.com"

However, if you click the item's link you'll see that allakhazam does have the item in their DB/inventory.

For example, http://eq2.allakhazam.com/search.html?q=Murky+Gemstone+Choker

Is there sometype of disconnect or failed communication here?

If you click the little Refresh icon next to the item, the link should get updated within the next minute or two. Have you tried this?

It's all in the reflexes.

I just tried it. Waited 20 minutes. Nothing changed/updated.

More info.... I just tried the Refresh icon for a loot item that already had an item description/popup, waited two minutes, and now that item no longer has a description/popup.

So, now I've made the situation worse...

looks like eq2.zam changed their format a bit, such that it's breaking the importer. Thanks for the heads up.

It's all in the reflexes.

Any progress on this incident?

I'm having a similar issue with loot pop-ups. If there's a " ' " in the item name it won't show up properly.


Warlord of Ascendant

Still working on this one.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by OOTO

Any progress on this incident?

Alrighty, what's a good item database you guys use? eq2.Allakhazam seems to have changed everything around (changed over to eq2.zam.com) and I can't find any of your items - seems the item database is WAY out of date there, but maybe I'm doing it wrong.

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Krawnik
I'm having a similar issue with loot pop-ups. If there's a " ' " in the item name it won't show up properly.

AOC Items are fixed with the ' in them. That was a goofier fix than I was expecting.

Swordmaster's FlambardRefresh This Item

It's all in the reflexes.

EQ2.ZAM.COm is the best, but it might seem out of date a little because of the recent game expansion. They're missing about 20% of the new gear we've been looting over the last week or so...

You can use this item: Captain's Nightmarish Spaulders

We looted it on 3/14, and it's from the prior game expansion. You find it on ZAM so you can use it to get the refresh working.

Awesome. Thanks.

It's all in the reflexes.
Any luck on this yet? None of the loot we have received this month has a popup.

Zam seems to be way behind. Xanadu seems to be a bit better.

I'll do what I did for Vanguard: Check Zam first, and if the item isn't there, check Xanadu. But it's definitely going to be getting fixed, I apologize it's taken so long.

It's all in the reflexes.

Correction: The item I mentioned above doesn't work either; Captain's Nightmarish Spaulders.

I thought it was working, but it's actually not. So, ZAM seems to be useless at the moment for both pre-expansion and post-expasion gear. (Also, the gear they are showing from pre-expansion doesn't show the correct/new post-expansion item stats/procs)

So, Shianne's suggestion to use Xanadu would be best.

This must be a tough one, eh?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's coming, I promise!

It's all in the reflexes.
Alrighty, eq2 links should be fixed:

Prismatic Longsword of the ScaleRefresh This Item

Gnillaw's Sword of SlaughterRefresh This Item

Please let me know if anything is acting funny.

The items are coming from Xanadu Community now.

It's all in the reflexes.

Woot! Looks good so far. Thanks man.

Hey, you stayed up to fix this at 2AM? Now you're making me feel bad.

Quote by OOTO

Woot! Looks good so far. Thanks man.

Hey, you stayed up to fix this at 2AM? Now you're making me feel bad.

Heh, it was 4am my time

Don't feel bad. I took a ridiculously long nap in the middle of the day (5pm-9pm). I wouldn't have slept that long if my wife had responded to the text I sent her, but she didn't, so I just slept until it felt natural to wake up.


Anyway, the item links are fixed

It's all in the reflexes.

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