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Guild name change when u get a chance..

Guild name change when u get a chance..
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Hi we need a name change but the guy is made me admin is off in Afgan and I'm not high enough to do it. When you get time could you change, Cracked to Adult Section?

Thanks so much!
idk maybe i am high enough but I see no address change when i do it in the admin area. It shows me as a guild master Full Admin so I may be missing something.
Wow, I'm so sorry for missing this one.

The two areas where you'd want to change it are:

Admin > General Settings > Change Subdomain

Admin > General Settings > Site Name

Are both of those available to you?

It's all in the reflexes.
Quote by Chops
Wow, I'm so sorry for missing this one.

The two areas where you'd want to change it are:

Admin > General Settings > Change Subdomain

Admin > General Settings > Site Name

Are both of those available to you?

I see no Subdoman but I do see Site name and have changed it there. sorry to be so much trouble!
um could this be fixed or no? I see no Subdomain, only Full Domain.
So sorry for the delay.

The account "Ergosum" is the account that has access to change the subdomain, and it looks like he's reasonably active (last logged in a few days ago).

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do?

It's all in the reflexes.
I'll find out, Jimmy is kind of retired, sorry Ergosum. ty for looking!

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