I have a situation that I'd like your advice on concern the transfer of an existing guild site to another operator's account.
I have left my current guild (Culdera) to form a new one, however I'd like to take the services I've paid for and apply them to the creation of a new site for this new guild I'm starting. I'd also like to transfer my existing Culdera site, as is, to the new guild operator's account. The idea here is to not leave Culdera (the actual guild) with no website just cuz I'm leaving - but I also can't just give them what I've personally paid for and developed on the current site.
I presume the process would go something like this ? 1. The new gm / guild operator would need to create his own account with the same service package as the existing Culdera package - but without actually building a new site. 2. Then I would have to transfer the Culdera site to his new account, thereby freeing my paid services to be used in the creation of the new site.