Howdy! Glad you're diggin' your site and I must admit, I certainly dig the site you've got going there! Very nice!
For the admin link dealy being dynamic, you're going to want to use
<a href="admin.php">MY Admin Link</a>
Where X is the maximum Rank ID you want to see the admin link (You can see the Rank ID of the Ranks at Admin > Ranks.
It looks like you're doing a pretty good job of getting most of your menus with a nice image there. The few that I've noticed that are not working are the "MEmbers Online" box. The thing to notice is that if you use <!--MEnu:Title--> In the image name, there are a few that won't work (like Members online and the "Logged In" box), simply because those titles are dynamically named. You're going to want to use the <--Menu:StaticName--> option.
Finally, for the ventrilo status thing, it works no differently than the other <!--System:Menu:xyz--> commands. Head to Admin > Custom Menus, and see what the title of the Ventrilo Status menu is on your site, and then be sure to use that in place of "xyz".
Thanks a ton! That all looks pretty straight forward!